Deutsch Intern
Institute of Political Science and Sociology

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Gender and Climate – Winter School 2023 by Genderforum, UFG und WueLAB


The Genderforum, the Gender Equality Academy at the Office of the University Women’s Representative and the sustainability lab WueLAB invite you to the Winter School 2023 "Gender and Climate". Theresa Stawski and Anja Zürn from IPS Würzburg will each organize one of the Winter School's workshops.

Winter School 2023: Gender and Climate

  • October 9-11, 2023: Lectures and Workshops ONLINE via Zoom (English)
  • plus October 12, 2023: optional bonus Workshop in PRESENCE at JMU (German)

This year, the 5th interdisciplinary Winter School at the University of Würzburg highlights the impact of climate change on aspects of gender. Climate change affects everyone, but are the effects the same for everyone or does the climate crisis exacerbate existing gender inequalities?

The Winter School invites you to explore the following topics: What are the connections between gender and climate? Which influence does climate change have on the health of all genders and what does all this have to do with environmental psychology? How do gender, climate change and the fashion industry affect each other? We will discuss these and other questions with scientists from the University of Würzburg and experts from other fields and disciplines. Theresa Stawski  and Anja Zürn from IPS Würzburg will each organize one of the Winter School's workshops.

Target group: Students and PhD students from all courses of study with an interest in interdisciplinary exchange are invited to take part. There is no participation fee for this offer of the Genderforum.

Please register by August 31, 2023. You can find all Information here:

Poster (in English)

Poster (in German)

