Lecture: The UN Security Council in a ‘Re-nationalising’ World: Implications for Gender Politics
The UN Security Council in a ‘Re-nationalising’ World: Implications for Gender Politics
On Wednesday, 13 December 2017, Dr. Soumita Basu gave a talk on "The UN Security Council in a ‘Re-nationalising’ World: Implications for Gender Politics". Dr. Basu currently is a visiting lecturer at the Institute for Political Science and Sociology's India Forum.
After outlining the evolution of the agenda of the Women, Peace and Security (WPS) Agenda at the UN Security Council, Dr. Basu explained why the institutional context of the Security Council is crucial for the WPS agenda. Based on these remarks, Dr. Basu tackled the main question of her lecture: What do the current political dynamics at the UN Security Council signify for the future of gender politics, specifically the Women, Peace and Security agenda, in this institutional context?
She argued that the current "re-nationalising" had little positive value for the WPS agenda but posed a new threat to engendering peace and security. However, the existing WPS agenda and the agency of feminist advocates, including current UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, would still be a foundation to move ahead.
After the lecture, a vivid discussion ensued that centred around the implementation of the WPS agenda and the effects of the Trump administration's policies on gender politics in the UN Security Council.

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