Deutsch Intern
Institute of Political Science and Sociology

Dr. Philipp Gieg

Dr. Philipp Gieg, Diplom-Jurist, European Jurist (Univ. Würzburg)
Postdoctoral Researcher

Chair of International Relations and European Studies
Institute of Political Science and Sociology
University of Würzburg
Wittelsbacherplatz 1
97074 Würzburg

Room 03.203    
Telephone: +49 (0)931 / 31 89129

Recent Publications

Handbuch Demokratische Republik Kongo
Julien Bobineau / Philipp Gieg / Timo Lowinger (eds.)
In German; translated title: Handbook Democratic Republic of the Congo
Published in February 2024 by Frank & Timme, Berlin


Indien und seine Entwicklungszusammenarbeit
Philipp Gieg
In German, translated title: India and its Development Cooperation
In: Müller, Markus Hans-Peter (Hrsg.) (2024): India in the 21st Century – On its way to a post-industrial economy, pp. 205-224
Published in 2024 by Springer Gabler.


India's Africa Policy – Challenges of a Millennia-Old Relationship
Philipp Gieg
Published in 2023 by Palgrave Macmillan


Jenseits der Krisen: Potenziale der europäischen Integration im 21. Jahrhundert
Philipp Gieg / Timo Lowinger / Manuel Pietzko / Carolin Rüger / Manuela Scheuermann / Anja Zürn (eds.)
In German; translated title: Beyond the Crises: Potentials of European Integration in the 21st Century
Published in 2023 by SpringerVS


Office Hours

  • Tuesday, 16 July 2024, 14.00 to 15.00
  • Monday, 22 July 2024, 13.00 to 14.30
  • Tuesday, 3 September 2024, 13.00 to 14.30

In my office as well as via Zoom. The consultation hour is also for the viewing of marked exams and term papers. Please register here:



Activities at University and Institute Level

  • Board member of the University of Würzburg's Forum Africa Centre
  • Module Committee Member in ICAS:MP Centre of Advanced Studies thematic module "The Challenge of Gender"
  • Responsible for the Institute's website and social media profiles
  • System administrator at the Chair of International Relations and European Studies

Thesis Supervision

Unfortunately, I cannot supervise any further theses in summer term 2024 and winter term 2024/2025.

Student Assistants

Hjördis Diestel