
Not all the news below can be provided in English. We apologize for any inconveniences.

Handbook Democratic Republic of the Congo – History, Society, Politics, Culture

Europa-Politik am IPS: Kandidat*innen diskutieren ihre Visionen für ein sozial gerechtes, ökologisch nachhaltiges und friedliches Europa

Sonja Grimm is Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of HE project InvigoratEU

Staatsministerin für Kultur und Medien Claudia Roth besuchte das Uni-Zelt auf dem Africa Festival

Research & Teaching

EMBRACing changE: Overcoming Blockages and Advancing Democracy in the European Neighbourhood (EMBRACE)

The EMBRACE project analyses authoritarian resilience and de-democratization in the European Neighbourhood.


ICAS:MP Centre of Advanced Studies

The Chair is participating in ICAS:MP Centre of Advanced Studies which has been established in New Delhi and is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).


Research Network External Democracy Promotion (EDP)

The EDP network investigates the international promotion and defense of democracy, coordinated by the chair.



Learn more about our main areas of research, research projects as well as doctoral and postdoctoral project:



In the Bachelor's, Master's and teacher training programs, our courses cover the breadth of Iternational Relations and European Studies.



The chair regularly hosts lectures, conferences, and panel discussions and organizes excursions and simulations.
