Deutsch Intern
Institute of Political Science and Sociology


On this page you will find the latest news from the Chair of Comparative Politics and German Government. Older, already archived news can be found in the archives. The latest news from the Institute for Political Science and Sociology can be found on the Institute’s homepage.  

Not all the news below can be provided in English. We apologize for any inconveniences.

Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Lauth hat im Rahmen seiner Forschungskooperation am 19. Februar 2024 einen Vortrag an der Universität Federal do Rio Grande (UFRGS) am Departamento de Ciência Política in Porto Alegre (Brasilien) gehalten.


The new stateness index is the result of the DFG research project "The Stateness Index StIx: Measurement and Analysis of Stateness " at the Department of Comparative Politics at the University of Würzburg, headed by Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Lauth and conducted by Theresa Paola Stawski.
