Dr. Philipp Gieg: Publications
Special Issue – (Re)Writing Global Gender Norms: The Role of Southern Actors
Soumita Basu / Philipp Gieg / Peace A. Medie (eds.)
Women's Studies International Forum, Volume 108, 102999
Global gender norms are negotiated and written in international arenas, with the participation of state and non-state actors. However, these norms are often associated with intellectual traditions, historical and cultural processes, and policy interests of the Global North; practices and histories from the Global South are often side-lined. The Special Issue presents evidence-based critique of such power asymmetries, and demonstrates how Global South actors have informed globally negotiated gender norms. Contributions on/from Africa, Asia and Latin America spotlight insights for realizing progressive and more effective norms, that emerge from the contestations between the local and the global. The focus is not only on ‘vertical’ intersections, but also ‘horizontal’ ones whereby transformative gender politics in one part of the world can inspire efforts of the marginalized elsewhere.
Introduction to the Special Issue – (Re)Writing Global Gender Norms: The Role of Southern Actors
Soumita Basu / Philipp Gieg / Peace A. Medie
Women's Studies International Forum, Volume 108, 102999
DOI: 10.1016/j.wsif.2024.102999
Navigating Norms and Pragmatism in EU-India Relations: Multilateralism, Connectivity, and the Future of the Strategic Partnership
Philipp Gieg / Gisela Müller-Brandeck-Bocquet
In: Jopp, Mathias / Pollak, Johannes (eds.) (2025): The European Union’s Geopolitics. The Lackluster World Power, Cham: Springer.
Pages 263-292
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-74587-4_13
Philipp Gieg and Gisela Müller-Brandeck-Bocquet explore the strategic partnership between the European Union and India. Despite shared democratic values and ambitious goals, this partnership has underperformed, largely due to divergent interests and differing interpretations of fundamental norms. The authors analyse two key areas of cooperation, how they have changed in recent years, and what implications this has for the future of the partnership: cooperation on global governance and multilateralism as well as connectivity. They highlight India’s increasing contestation of norms, particularly regarding multilateralism and development cooperation, and examine the pragmatic shifts in EU-India connectivity cooperation. The study suggests that a more pragmatic, less moralistic approach by the EU—which does not equal abandoning its own values—could enhance future cooperation.
Handbuch Demokratische Republik Kongo – Geschichte, Politik, Gesellschaft, Kultur
Julien Bobineau / Philipp Gieg / Timo Lowinger (eds.)
Published in 2024
Frank & Timme, Berlin
Language: German; translated title: Handbook Democratic Republic of the Congo – History, Politics, Society, Culture
678 pages
DOI: 10.57088/978-3-7329-9568-4
ISBN: 978-3-7329-0434-1
The Handbook Democratic Republic of the Congo is aimed at a broad audience and provides an overview of the history, politics, society and culture of this multifaceted country. Systematically prepared, easy-to-understand texts on Congolese geography, politics, economy, society and culture create a deeper understanding of global interdependencies, their historical origins and the effects in the past, present and future. The various perspectives on the Democratic Republic of the Congo are clearly recorded and related to each other. This differentiated, interdisciplinary kaleidoscope includes contributions on geography and demography, history, wars and conflicts since the 1990s, the political system, institutions, infrastructure, civil society and foreign relations, as well as the media, education and health systems, religions, women's rights, languages, sport, art, music, literature, film, fashion and the country's culinary cultures.
Philipp Gieg
Language: German; translated title: Foreign Relations
In: Bobineau, Julien / Gieg, Philipp / Lowinger, Timo (Hrsg.) (2024): Handbuch Demokratische Republik Kongo. Geschichte, Politik, Gesellschaft, Kultur, Berlin: Frank & Timme
Pages 387-413
DOI: 10.57088/978-3-7329-9568-4_22
ISBN: 978-3-7329-0434-1
Julien Bobineau / Philipp Gieg / Timo Lowinger
In German; translated title: Introduction
In: Bobineau, Julien / Gieg, Philipp / Lowinger, Timo (Hrsg.) (2024): Handbuch Demokratische Republik Kongo. Geschichte, Politik, Gesellschaft, Kultur, Berlin: Frank & Timme
Pages 13-24
DOI: 10.57088/978-3-7329-9568-4_1
ISBN: 978-3-7329-0434-1
Indien und seine Entwicklungszusammenarbeit
Philipp Gieg
Language: German; translated title: India and its Development Cooperation
In: Müller, Markus Hans-Peter (Hrsg.) (2024): India in the 21st Century – On its way to a post-industrial economy, Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.
Pages 205-224
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-43014-6_12
Where is India's development cooperation heading? While India's development cooperation policy in the first decades after independence was characterized by the 'classic' instruments of capacity building and grants, lines of credit gradually came to the fore after economic liberalization. With increasing foreign trade and rising foreign direct investment, these two areas, which New Delhi also sees as part of its development cooperation, have also become increasingly important. Although the budgets for India's 'traditional' instruments have also increased, it would be too short-sighted to consider only budget allocations for today's development cooperation. In view of the enormous increase in the volume of trade with the Global South and the credit lines worth billions, the relative increase in importance of India's foreign trade instruments compared to the classic components of Indian development cooperation policy must be diagnosed as a clear trend that is likely to continue.
The challenge will be to maintain a certain balance so that India's policy towards the Global South does not become completely indistinguishable from that of China or the Western states. If the development of New Delhi's relations with its partners in the Global South amounts to a progressive economization of South-South cooperation, this will gradually undermine the normative foundation on which it is built – and the invocation of the venerable Bandung principles will ring increasingly hollow. It remains to be seen whether New Delhi will be able to resolve this cognitive dissonance.
India's Africa Policy – Challenges of a Millennia-Old Relationship
Philipp Gieg
Published in 2023
Palgrave Macmillan, Singapur
413 pages
ISBN Hardcover: 978-981-19-6848-8
ISBN eBook: 978-981-19-6849-52
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-19-6849-5
The book analyses how India’s rise to the status of an emerging power has affected New Delhi’s Africa policy, after sketching the historical evolution and normative underpinnings of Indo-African relations, and what challenges it has brought for New Delhi’s engagement with the continent. India and Africa share a history dating back millennia. Today, India is one of Africa’s biggest trading partner countries, second only to China. The country regularly extends lines of credit worth billions to African nations, and its pharmaceutical producers dominate many African markets; almost one-fifth of India’s oil imports and more than one-quarter of its natural gas imports come from the continent. However, relations between India and Africa are far from being limited to economic cooperation. The book scrutinises three foreign policy fields: (1) India’s foreign economic policy towards Africa with an in-depth analysis of Indo-African trade, investment and lines of credit; (2) New Delhi’s development cooperation policy vis-à-vis Africa, its principles, instruments and volume; (3) India’s politico-diplomatic foreign and security policy vis-à-vis Africa, including New Delhi's high-level diplomacy, security and diaspora policy as well as multilateral Africa policy.
Review by Aparajita Biswas in: Journal of the Indian Ocean Region 19:3 (2023), pp. 315-317.
DOI: 10.1080/19480881.2023.2265604
Jenseits der Krisen: Potenziale der europäischen Integration im 21. Jahrhundert
Philipp Gieg / Timo Lowinger / Manuel Pietzko / Carolin Rüger / Manuela Scheuermann / Anja Zürn (eds.)
Published in 2023
SpringerVS, Wiesbaden
Language: German; translated title: Beyond the Crises: Potentials of European Integration in the 21st Century
432 pages
ISBN Print: 978-3-658-41607-2
ISBN eBook: 978-3-658-41608-9
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-41608-9
The book focuses on the potentials of the European Union for the 21st century. Based on the internal and external crises facing the EU, the volume offers an analytical and comprehensive overview of the current state and prospects of European integration. The volume is based on the core idea that, despite or even because of the current crises, there are numerous potential issues that can create new trust in the EU. These often unrecognized or misunderstood power reserves of the Union are identified, analyzed and discussed by European Integration experts. The book is part of the series "Forschungen zur Europäischen Integration", edited by Andrea Lenschow, Susanne K. Schmidt and Ingeborg Tömmel.
Indien als sicherheitspolitischer Akteur im westlichen Indischen Ozean: Ein Kooperationspartner mit Potenzial für die Europäische Union?
Philipp Gieg
Language: German; translated title: India as a Security Policy Actor in the Western Indian Ocean: A Cooperation Partner with Potential for the European Union?
In: Gieg, Philipp / Lowinger, Timo / Pietzko, Manuel / Rüger, Carolin / Scheuermann, Manuela / Zürn, Anja (eds.) (2023): Jenseits der Krisen: Potenziale der europäischen Integration im 21. Jahrhundert, Wiesbaden: SpringerVS
Pages 115-149
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-41608-9_5
Security policy has long led a shadowy existence within the framework of the Strategic Partnership between India and the European Union (EU). However, recent developments suggest that this is changing. The Western Indian Ocean (WIO) could play a central role as a potential security cooperation area, as it is a primary area of interest from New Delhi's perspective; and the EU is also paying increasing attention to the region. The article analyzes the development of India's security policy towards the WIO in order to draw a comprehensive picture of India as a security actor in the region. In a second step, EU-India cooperation in the WIO is examined on this basis. The exploration of its potentials and challenges will be interwoven with a brief outline of EU security policy in the region and a concise inventory of existing Indian-European activities.
Weltwandel in Afrika – Die neuen Beziehungen zu China und Indien
Philipp Gieg
Language: German; translated title: Global Change in Africa – The New Relations with China and India
In: Ferber, Markus (ed.) (2021): Weltwandel. Neuausrichtung der internationalen Beziehungen, Reinbek: Lau-Verlag
Pages 53-60
ISBN 978-3-95768-229-1
Within just over two decades, Africa's trade relations with China and India have become the continent's most important economic partnerships. The expansion of politico-diplomatic contacts accompanies this development. Both are paradigmatic of radical change in Africa's international relations – and of fundamental shifts in the international system.
EU-India Relations – The Strategic Partnership in the Light of the European Union Global Strategy
Philipp Gieg / Timo Lowinger / Manuel Pietzko / Anja Zürn / Ummu Salma Bava / Gisela Müller-Brandeck-Bocquet (eds.)
Published in 2021
Springer, Cham
Language: English
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-65044-5
ISBN: 978-3-030-65044-5
India and the European Union bear a particular responsibility: as international relations change, not least because of the global COVID-19 pandemic, the two largest democracies in the world have the unique potential to jointly demonstrate that trusting cooperation and mutual understanding are both indispensable and fruitful—all the more so in the context of increasing national egoism and disregard for the fundamental principles of multilateralism. This realisation is not new. Believing in the necessity and mutual benefit of close cooperation, India and the EU struck a strategic partnership in 2004. But resounding success in forging closer bilateral ties and promoting an inclusive, rules-based global order has proved elusive. Since 2016, however, the EU’s Global Strategy has offered new opportunities for a restart of European foreign policy, envisaging new partnerships and recalibrating existing ones. On India’s part, too, changing stances have presented new openings—with New Delhi criticising protectionism and calling for a strengthening of multilateralism. This timely book scrutinises the status quo and the future potential of revitalised EU-India relations. By exploring and analysing conceptual approaches to and key dimensions of the strategic partnership, including trade, climate policy and development cooperation, it evaluates the prospects for future cooperation. Lastly, it offers policy recommendations for advancing the partnership between India and the EU.
India and the European Union: A Growing Responsibility to Cooperate in a Changing World
Gisela Müller-Brandeck-Bocquet / Philipp Gieg / Timo Lowinger / Manuel Pietzko / Anja Zürn
In: Gieg, Philipp / Lowinger, Timo / Pietzko, Manuel / Zürn, Anja / Bava, Ummu Salma / Müller-Brandeck-Bocquet, Gisela (eds.) (2021): EU-India Relations. The Strategic Partnership in the Light of the European Union Global Strategy, Cham: Springer
Pages 3-17
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-65044-5_1
The present international context could act as a catalyst for the European Union and India to enhance and improve their bilateral relationship. Even though the strategic partnership struck in 2004 between the two largest democracies of the world has not yet delivered clearly convincing results, the changing world order pushes India and the EU to resume greater responsibilities on the international stage with the goal of defending a rules-based multilateralism and of demonstrating the benefits of cooperation. Otherwise, both alike might suffer from a noticeable loss of influence when it comes to shape the future world order.
Norm Contestation in EU Strategic Partnerships: The Cases of Civil Society Involvement and Climate Justice in EU-India Relations
Timo Lowinger / Anja Zürn / Philipp Gieg / Manuel Pietzko
In: Gieg, Philipp / Lowinger, Timo / Pietzko, Manuel / Zürn, Anja / Bava, Ummu Salma / Müller-Brandeck-Bocquet, Gisela (eds.) (2021): EU-India Relations. The Strategic Partnership in the Light of the European Union Global Strategy, Cham: Springer
Pages 31-66
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-65044-5_3
Starting from the widespread perception that cooperation between the EU and India is stuck in a deadlock, the authors suggest that reconstructing both actors’ contestation of norms helps to better understand the problems faced by the EU-India Strategic Partnership. The chapter proposes an in-depth systematic and model-driven approach to grasp the EU and India’s discursive practices regarding the seemingly “common” norms—a heuristic that can also serve as a tool to examine the EU’s other Strategic Partnerships. The heuristic sheds light on the different levels, types as well as modes of contestation and thus tries to capture the diverse picture of norm contestation. After laying out the theoretical framework as well as reconstructing the normative foundation of the EU-India Strategic Partnership, two case studies will be examined: the cases of civil society involvement with a focus on Greenpeace India and climate justice, in particular regarding the principle of common but differentiated responsibility and respective capabilities (CBDR-RC). They conclude that mainly responsible for the state of the partnership is the discursive contestation. Yet, this need not be considered a negative process, for it can also yield constructive results such as the disclosure of different perceptions and the launch of institutionalisation processes.

The Democratic Republic of the Congo. Problems, Progress and Prospects
Julien Bobineau / Philipp Gieg (eds.)
Published in 2016
LIT, Berlin
312 pages
Language: English and French
ISBN: 978-3643134738
With forewords by Edelgard Bulmahn, Vice-President of the German Bundestag, as well as Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Gerhard Bringmann and Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Virima Mudogo, this interdisciplinary volume brings together sixteen English and French language contributions that add to an in-depth picture of the Democratic Republic of the Congo's current state of affairs. The authors from various academic fields who research and teach at universities in Africa, Asia and Europe focus on political and economic perspectives, education and civil society, health and environment, the country's international relations as well as historical foundations. They analyse the problems the country is facing but also point out where progress has been made, where possibilities lie – and how these possibilities can come to fruition.

Problems, Progress and Prospects in the Democratic Republic of the Congo – Outline of the Volume
Julien Bobineau / Philipp Gieg
In: Bobineau, Julien / Gieg, Philipp (eds.) (2016): The Democratic Republic of the Congo. Problems, Progress and Prospects, Berlin.
Pages 3-8

The Partnership of the Century? China’s Africa Policy and the Democratic Republic of the Congo in the 21st Century
Philipp Gieg
In: Bobineau, Julien / Gieg, Philipp (eds.) (2016): The Democratic Republic of the Congo. Problems, Progress and Prospects, Berlin.
Pages 257-279
Same Same but Different? India–Africa Relations and Chinese Involvement in the Continent
Philipp Gieg
Insight on Africa
Issue 8:1 (2016)
Pages 40-58
DOI: 10.1177/0975087815612291
India’s involvement in Africa today is often viewed in economic terms only, mainly focusing on resources. The narrative of an emerging power just looking for oil is nowadays used for India’s involvement in Africa as much as for Beijing’s foray into the continent. Although both countries’ reinforced involvement in the continent is the most important development of Africa’s international relations since the end of the Cold War, this approach poses the danger of overlooking or at least playing down important nuances and possible differences between the Indian and the Chinese way of dealing with Africa today. As a matter of fact, officials in New Delhi try to dissociate their policy vis-à-vis Africa from Beijing’s ‘game plan’. But to what extent do India’s and China’s involvement in Africa actually differ? This article lays out an analytical framework for comparing Indian and Chinese involvement in Africa and subsequently helps examine historical, political and economic relations between the two emerging powers and Africa. It seeks to contribute to a more nuanced understanding of New Delhi’s involvement in Africa beyond conventional, sometimes simplistic, assumptions by contrasting India–Africa with China–Africa relations and carving out differences and similarities.

Modi-fying India-Africa Relations? The New Government’s Africa Policy and the 3rd India-Africa Forum Summit
Philipp Gieg
FPRC Journal 24: India-South Africa Relations
Issue 4/2015
Pages 49-57
In 2013, India became Africa’s fourth largest trading partner. At the beginning of the new millennium, that figure had only stood at $5 billion. In 2014, when the new Indian government took office, some observers predicted that India-Africa relations would expand at an even higher pace and argued that “Modi's Win Is Good News for Africa”. However, between 26 May 2014, the day that Narendra Modi was sworn in as Prime Minister of India, and 26 October 2015, the day the 3rd India-Africa Forum Summit (IAFS-III) started, India’s Africa policy was in some sort of hibernation. The fact that the summit was postponed twice further added to the feeling that the first 17 months had to be seen as the build-up for Modi’s “grand reach-out to the continent”. Now, with IAFS-III finally having taken place only some weeks ago, it seems especially timely to take a closer look at current India-Africa relations: Has the new government “Modi-fied” India’s Africa policy?
Exploring Emerging India. Eight Essays
Philipp Gieg / Timo Lowinger / Gisela Müller-Brandeck-Bocquet
IPS Working Paper Series WAPS 7
Würzburger Arbeitspapiere zu Politikwissenschaft und Sozialforschung
Würzburg 2015
DOI: 10.25972/OPUS-11997
India's economic rise since the 1990s has been followed by a more prominent global role for the country. Despite economic setbacks in recent years and huge domestic challenges like poverty, caste issues, and gender inequality, India today is almost universally characterised as an “emerging power”. At the same time, the country continues to show an enormous diversity. Thus, exploring emerging India can surely not be confined to economic analysis only. Instead, it is vital to take current developments in domestic and international politics, society, culture, religion, and political thinking into consideration as well. Following an interdisciplinary approach, contributions from Political Science, International Relations, Indology, Political Theory, and Economics are fundamental in order to grasp the country's diversity. This collection assembles eight essays which, individually, serve as working papers reflecting the authors' various research focuses, while collectively composing a multifaceted and multidisciplinary picture of emerging India. It thereby reflects the approach the University of Würzburg’s Centre for Modern India and the Institute for Political Science and Sociology’s India Forum are committed to: bringing together different academic disciplines in order to generate nuanced insights into India’s manifold diversity.

Book Review: Georg Klute and Peter Skalnik (Eds), Actors in Contemporary African Politics
Philipp Gieg
Insight on Africa
Issue 7:1 (2015)
Pages 86-89
DOI: 10.1177/0975087814554072
Book review of: Georg Klute and Peter Skalník (Eds), Actors in Contemporary African Politics, LIT Verlag, Zürich and Münster, 2013
The European Union and Ukraine. From Unfulfilled Expectations to Constructive Crisis Management?
Gisela Müller-Brandeck-Bocquet / Philipp Gieg
Die Friedens-Warte. Journal of International Peace and Organization
Issue 1-2/2014 (Vol. 89)
Pages 49-72
Language: German (German Title: "Die Europäische Union und die Ukraine. Von enttäuschten Erwartungen zu konstruktivem Krisenmanagement?")
In its external policies, the European Union (EU) is mainly focusing on its neighborhood in order to realize freedom, liberty, security and wealth. Therefore, the Union has specifically been challenged by the ongoing crisis in Ukraine. After 1991, the EU has established intensive relations with Kiev which, however, did not satisfy Ukrainian expectations. That’s why the EU is accused of bearing responsibility for the breakout of the present crisis. Does this argument hold true? Furthermore, the article will reconstruct the EU’s role during the crisis and ask whether and how the Union was able to conduct successful crisis management and contribute to conflict resolution.
Young Africa Centre Series
Since July 2014: Editor of the Young Africa Centre Series with Julien Bobineau, Dr. Karin Linhart (until 2018), Dr. Ferdinand Paesler (until 2019) and Timo Lowinger
The University of Würzburg's Young Africa Centre has initiated the Young Africa Centre Series in order to provide outstanding students and young scholars with a platform for the publication of their excellent research and working papers. The Young Africa Centre Series is open to both students or members of faculty of the University of Würzburg and to students and scholars from Africa to make visible not only research on Africa but also significant contributions from the continent.

The Dragon at the Horn. The Relations between China and Ethiopia
Philipp Gieg
Newsletter of the German Ethiopian Association
June 2012
Pages 14-17
Language: German (German title: "Der Drache am Horn. Die Beziehungen zwischen China und Äthiopien")

Great Game for Africa? Europe, China and the United States on the Dark Continent
Philipp Gieg
Published in 2010
Nomos, Baden-Baden
Language: German (German title: "Great Game um Afrika? Europa, China und die USA auf dem Schwarzen Kontinent")
ISBN 978-3-8329-5910-4

Book Review: Germany’s European Policy – and beyond
Philipp Gieg
Journal of International Organization Studies
Issue 1
September 2010
The European Union's Africa Policy. New Approaches and Prospects
Gisela Müller-Brandeck-Bocquet / Siegmar Schmidt / Corina Schukraft / Ulrike Kessler / Philipp Gieg
Published in 2007
Barbara Budrich Publishers, Opladen and Farmington Hills
Language: German (German title: "Die Afrikapolitik der Europäischen Union. Neue Ansätze und Perspektiven")
ISBN 978-3-86649-005-5
British Africa Policy
Philipp Gieg / Gisela Müller-Brandeck-Bocquet
Language: German (German title: "Die Afrikapolitik Großbritanniens")
In: Müller-Brandeck-Bocquet, Gisela / Schmidt, Siegmar / Schukraft, Corina / Kessler, Ulrike / Gieg, Philipp (eds.) (2007): Die Afrikapolitik der Europäischen Union. Neue Ansätze und Perspektiven, Opladen and Farmington Hills.
Pages 253-292
US Africa Policy
Philipp Gieg
Language: German (German title: "Die Afrikapolitik der USA")
In: Müller-Brandeck-Bocquet, Gisela / Schmidt, Siegmar / Schukraft, Corina / Kessler, Ulrike / Gieg, Philipp (eds.) (2007): Die Afrikapolitik der Europäischen Union. Neue Ansätze und Perspektiven, Opladen and Farmington Hills.
Pages 293-320