Deutsch Intern
Institute of Political Science and Sociology

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Judicialization as Contestation – Ecocide and the International Politics of Environmental Justice


Philipp Gieg and Ulrike Zeigermann presented their research on the introduction of ecocide as an international crime at the workshop "The Politics of Legal Processes to Redress Environmental Injustices from Contested Natural Resource Governance", which took place at the Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS) in November 2023.

The starting point of the workshop was that critical scholars – who deal with socio-ecological conflicts in the context of controversial natural resource regulation and who often position themselves in the tradition of political ecology – have so far not paid enough attention to legal processes and the politics involved.

The authors' workshop at the University of Freiburg and the resulting special issue and expert network therefore aim to gain a deeper understanding of legalization processes in environmental governance.

The joint research paper by Dr. Philipp Gieg and Jun.-Prof. Dr. Ulrike Zeigermann, which was presented and discussed at the workshop, is entitled "Judicialization as Contestation – Ecocide and the International Politics of Environmental Justice". It is dedicated to the international discourse on the introduction of ecocide as an international crime.
